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Главная » Статьи » Системное администрирование » Об ОС *Nix

NetApp Commandline Cheatsheet (part1)

NetApp Commandline Cheatsheet

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Server operations:


Startup and Shutdown
Boot Menu

1) Normal Boot.
2) Boot without /etc/rc.
3) Change password.
4) Clean configuration and initialize all disks.
5) Maintenance mode boot.
6) Update flash from backup config.
7) Install new software first.
8) Reboot node.
Selection (1-8)?

  • Normal Boot - continue with the normal boot operation
  • Boot without /etc/rc - boot with only default options and disable some services
  • Change Password - change the storage systems password
  • Clean configuration and initialize all disks - cleans all disks and reset the filer to factory default settings
  • Maintenance mode boot - file system operations are disabled, limited set of commands
  • Update flash from backup config - restore the configuration information if corrupted on the boot device
  • Install new software first - use this if the filer does not include support for the storage array
  • Reboot node - restart the filer
startup modes
  • boot_ontap - boots the current Data ONTAP software release stored on the boot device
  • boot primary - boots the Data ONTAP release stored on the boot device as the primary kernel
  • boot_backup - boots the backup Data ONTAP release from the boot device
  • boot_diags - boots a Data ONTAP diagnostic kernel

Note: there are other options but NetApp will provide these as when necessary


halt [-t <mins>] [-f]

-t = shutdown after minutes specified
-f = used with HA clustering, means that the partner filer does not take over

restart reboot [-t <mins>] [-s] [-r] [-f]

-t = reboot in specified minutes
-s = clean reboot but also power cycle the filer (like pushing the off button)
-r = bypasses the shutdown (not clean) and power cycles the filer
-f = used with HA clustering, means that the partner filer does not take over
System Privilege and System shell

priv set [-q] [admin | advanced]

Note: by default you are in administrative mode

-q = quiet suppresses warning messages

Access the systemshell ## First obtain the advanced privileges
priv set advanced

## Then unlock and reset the diag users password
useradmin diaguser unlock
useradmin diaguser password

## Now you should be able to access the systemshell and use all the standard Unix
## commands
login: diag
password: ********
Licensing and Version
licenses (commandline)

## display licenses

## Adding a license
license add <code1> <code2>

## Disabling a license
license delete <service>

Data ONTAP version version [-b]

-b = include name and version information for the primary, secondary and diagnostic kernels and the firmware
Useful Commands
read the messages file rdfile /etc/messages
write to a file wrfile -a <file> <text>

# Examples
wrfile -a /etc/test1 This is line 6 # comment here
wrfile -a /etc/test1 "This is line \"15\"."
System Configuration
General information sysconfig
sysconfig -v
sysconfig -a (detailed)
Configuration errors sysconfig -c
Display disk devices sysconfig -d
sysconfig -A
Display Raid group information sysconfig -V
Display arregates and plexes sysconfig -r
Display tape devices sysconfig -t
Display tape libraries sysconfig -m
Environment Information
General information environment status
Disk enclosures (shelves) environment shelf [adapter]
environment shelf_power_status
Chassis environment chassis all
environment chassis list-sensors
environment chassis Fans
environment chassis CPU_Fans
environment chassis Power
environment chassis Temperature
environment chassis [PS1|PS2]
Fibre Channel Information
Fibre Channel stats fcstat link_status
fcstat fcal_stat
fcstat device_map
SAS Adapter and Expander Information
Shelf information sasstat shelf
sasstat shelf_short
Expander information sasstat expander
sasstat expander_map
sasstat expander_phy_state
Disk information sasstat dev_stats
Adapter information sasstat adapter_state
Statistical Information
System stats show system
Processor stats show processor
Disk stats show disk
Volume stats show volume
LUN stats show lun
Aggregate stats show aggregate
FC stats show fcp
iSCSI stats show iscsi
CIFS stats show cifs
Network stats show ifnet


Storage operations:

Storage Commands
Display storage show adapter
storage show disk [-a|-x|-p|-T]
storage show expander
storage show fabric
storage show fault
storage show hub
storage show initiators
storage show mc
storage show port
storage show shelf
storage show switch
storage show tape [supported]
storage show acp

storage array show
storage array show-ports
storage array show-luns
storage array show-config
Enable storage enable adapter
Disable storage disable adapter
Rename switch storage rename <oldname> <newname>
Remove port storage array remove-port <array_name> -p <WWPN>
Load Balance storage load balance
Power Cycle storage power_cycle shelf -h
storage power_cycle shelf start -c <channel name>
storage power_cycle shelf completed


Disk operations:


Disk Information
Disk name

This is the physical disk itself, normally the disk will reside in a disk enclosure, the disk will have a pathname like 2a.17 depending on the type of disk enclosure

  • 2a = SCSI adapter
  • 17 = disk SCSI ID

Any disks that are classed as spare will be used in any group to replace failed disks. They can also be assigned to any aggregate. Disks are assigned to a specific pool.

Disk Types
Data holds data stored within the RAID group
Spare Does not hold usable data but is available to be added to a RAID group in an aggregate, also known as a hot spare
Parity Store data reconstruction information within the RAID group
dParity Stores double-parity information within the RAID group, if RAID-DP is enabled
Disk Commands

disk show
disk show <disk_name>


sysconfig -r
sysconfig -d

## list all unnassigned/assigned disks
disk show -n
disk show -a

Adding (assigning) ## Add a specific disk to pool1 the mirror pool
disk assign <disk_name> -p 1

## Assign all disk to pool 0, by default they are assigned to pool 0 if the "-p"
## option is not specififed
disk assign all -p 0
Remove (spin down disk) disk remove <disk_name>
Reassign disk reassign -d <new_sysid>
Replace disk replace start <disk_name> <spare_disk_name>
disk replace stop <disk_name>

Note: uses Rapid RAID Recovery to copy data from the specified file system to the specified spare disk, you can stop this process using the stop command
Zero spare disks disk zero spares
fail a disk disk fail <disk_name>
Scrub a disk disk scrub start
disk scrub stop
Sanitize disk sanitize start <disk list>
disk sanitize abort <disk_list>
disk sanitize status
disk sanitize release <disk_list>

Note: the release modifies the state of the disk from sanitize to spare. Sanitize requires a license.
Maintanence disk maint start -d <disk_list>
disk maint abort <disk_list>
disk maint list
disk maint status

Note: you can test the disk using maintain mode
swap a disk disk swap
disk unswap

Note: it stalls all SCSI I/O until you physically replace or add a disk, can used on SCSI disk only.
Statisics disk_stat <disk_name>
Simulate a pulled disk disk simpull <disk_name>
Simulate a pushed disk disk simpush -l
disk simpush <complete path of disk obtained from above command>

## Example
ontap1> disk simpush -l
The following pulled disks are available for pushing:

ontap1> disk simpush v0.16:NETAPP__:VD-1000MB-FZ-520:14161400:2104448


Категория: Об ОС *Nix | Добавил: admin (12.10.2015)
Просмотров: 1467 | Комментарии: 63 | Теги: NetApp, commands, console, config | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всего комментариев: 0
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