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Главная » Статьи » Системное администрирование » Об ОС *Nix

NetApp Commandline Cheatsheet (part2)

NetApp Commandline Cheatsheet



Aggregate States
Online Read and write access to volumes is allowed
Restricted Some operations, such as parity reconstruction are allowed, but data access is not allowed
Offline No access to the aggregate is allowed
Aggregate Status Values
32-bit This aggregate is a 32-bit aggregate
64-bit This aggregate is a 64-bit aggregate
aggr This aggregate is capable of contain FlexVol volumes
copying This aggregate is currently the target aggregate of an active copy operation
degraded This aggregate is contains at least one RAID group with single disk failure that is not being reconstructed
double degraded This aggregate is contains at least one RAID group with double disk failure that is not being reconstructed (RAID-DP aggregate only)
foreign Disks that the aggregate contains were moved to the current storage system from another storage system
growing Disks are in the process of being added to the aggregate
initializing The aggregate is in the process of being initialized
invalid The aggregate contains no volumes and none can be added. Typically this happend only after an aborted "aggr copy" operation
ironing A WAFL consistency check is being performewd on the aggregate
mirror degraded The aggregate is mirrored and one of its plexes is offline or resynchronizing
mirrored The aggregate is mirrored
needs check WAFL consistency check needs to be performed on the aggregate
normal The aggregate is unmirrored and all of its RAID groups are functional
out-of-date The aggregate is mirrored and needs to be resynchronized
partial At least one disk was found for the aggregate, but two or more disks are missing
raid0 The aggrgate consists of RAID 0 (no parity) RAID groups
raid4 The agrregate consists of RAID 4 RAID groups
raid_dp The agrregate consists of RAID-DP RAID groups
reconstruct At least one RAID group in the aggregate is being reconstructed
redirect Aggregate reallocation or file reallocation with the "-p" option has been started on the aggregate, read performance will be degraded
resyncing One of the mirror aggregates plexes is being resynchronized
snapmirror The aggregate is a SnapMirror replica of another aggregate (traditional volumes only)
trad The aggregate is a traditional volume and cannot contain FlexVol volumes.
verifying A mirror operation is currently running on the aggregate
wafl inconsistent The aggregate has been marked corrupted; contact techincal support
Aggregate Commands
Displaying aggr status
aggr status -r
aggr status <aggregate> [-v]
Check you have spare disks aggr status -s
Adding (creating)

## Syntax - if no option is specified then the defult is used
aggr create <aggr_name> [-f] [-m] [-n] [-t {raid0 |raid4 |raid_dp}] [-r raid_size] [-T disk_type] [-R rpm>] [-L] [-B {32|64}] <disk_list>

## create aggregate called newaggr that can have a maximum of 8 RAID groups
aggr create newaggr -r 8 -d 8a.16 8a.17 8a.18 8a.19

## create aggregated called newfastaggr using 20 x 15000rpm disks
aggr create newfastaggr -R 15000 20

## create aggrgate called newFCALaggr (note SAS and FC disks may bge used)
aggr create newFCALaggr -T FCAL 15


-f = overrides the default behavior that does not permit disks in a plex to belong to different disk pools
-m = specifies the optional creation of a SyncMirror
-n = displays the results of the command but does not execute it
-r = maximum size (number of disks) of the RAID groups for this aggregate
-T = disk type ATA, SATA, SAS, BSAS, FCAL or LUN
-R = rpm which include 5400, 7200, 10000 and 15000

Remove(destroying) aggr offline <aggregate>
aggr destroy <aggregate>
Unremoving(undestroying) aggr undestroy <aggregate>
Rename aggr rename <old name> <new name>
Increase size ## Syntax
aggr add <aggr_name> [-f] [-n] [-g {raid_group_name | new |all}] <disk_list>

## add an additonal disk to aggregate pfvAggr, use "aggr status" to get group name
aggr status pfvAggr -r
aggr add pfvAggr -g rg0 -d v5.25

## Add 4 300GB disk to aggregate aggr1
aggr add aggr1 4@300
offline aggr offline <aggregate>
online aggr online <aggregate>
restricted state aggr restrict <aggregate>
Change an aggregate options

## to display the aggregates options
aggr options <aggregate>

## change a aggregates raid group
aggr options <aggregate> raidtype raid_dp

## change a aggregates raid size
aggr options <aggregate> raidsize 4

show space usage aggr show_space <aggregate>
Mirror aggr mirror <aggregate>
Split mirror aggr split <aggregate/plex> <new_aggregate>
Copy from one agrregate to another ## Obtain the status
aggr copy status

## Start a copy
aggr copy start <aggregate source> <aggregate destination>

## Abort a copy - obtain the operation number by using "aggr copy status"
aggr copy abort <operation number>

## Throttle the copy 10=full speed, 1=one-tenth full speed
aggr copy throttle <operation number> <throttle speed>
Scrubbing (parity)

## Media scrub status
aggr media_scrub status
aggr scrub status

## start a scrub operation
aggr scrub start [ aggrname | plexname | groupname ]

## stop a scrub operation
aggr scrub stop [ aggrname | plexname | groupname ]

## suspend a scrub operation
aggr scrub suspend [ aggrname | plexname | groupname ]

## resume a scrub operation
aggr scrub resume [ aggrname | plexname | groupname ]

Note: Starts parity scrubbing on the named online aggregate. Parity scrubbing compares the data disks to the
parity disk(s) in their RAID group, correcting the parity disk’s contents as necessary. If no name is
given, parity scrubbing is started on all online aggregates. If an aggregate name is given, scrubbing is
started on all RAID groups contained in the aggregate. If a plex name is given, scrubbing is started on
all RAID groups contained in the plex.

Look at the following system options:

raid.scrub.duration 360
raid.scrub.enable on
raid.scrub.perf_impact low

Verify (mirroring)

## verify status
aggr verify status

## start a verify operation
aggr verify start [ aggrname ]

## stop a verify operation
aggr verify stop [ aggrname ]

## suspend a verify operation
aggr verify suspend [ aggrname ]

## resume a verify operation
aggr verify resume [ aggrname ]

Note: Starts RAID mirror verification on the named online mirrored aggregate. If no name is given, then
RAID mirror verification is started on all online mirrored aggregates. Verification compares the data in
both plexes of a mirrored aggregate. In the default case, all blocks that differ are logged, but no changes
are made.

Media Scrub

aggr media_scrub status

Note: Prints the media scrubbing status of the named aggregate, plex, or group. If no name is given, then
status is printed for all RAID groups currently running a media scrub. The status includes a
percent-complete and whether it is suspended.

Look at the following system options:

raid.media_scrub.enable on
raid.media_scrub.rate 600
raid.media_scrub.spares.enable on


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Категория: Об ОС *Nix | Добавил: admin (12.10.2015)
Просмотров: 1295 | Теги: NetApp, commands, console, config | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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