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NetApp Commandline Cheatsheet (part3)

NetApp Commandline Cheatsheet



Volume States
Online Read and write access to this volume is allowed.
Restricted Some operations, such as parity reconstruction, are allowed, but data access is not allowed.
Offline No access to the volume is allowed.
Volume Status Values
access denied The origin system is not allowing access. (FlexCache volumes
active redirect The volume's containing aggregate is undergoing reallocation (with the -p option specified). Read performance may be reduced while the volume is in this state.
connecting The caching system is trying to connect to the origin system. (FlexCache volumes only.)
copying The volume is currently the target of an active vol copy or snapmirror operation.
degraded The volume's containing aggregate contains at least one degraded RAID group that is not being reconstructed after single disk failure.
double degraded The volume's containing aggregate contains at least one degraded RAID-DP group that is not being reconstructed after double disk failure.
flex The volume is a FlexVol volume.
flexcache The volume is a FlexCache volume.
foreign Disks used by the volume's containing aggregate were moved to the current storage system from another storage system.
growing Disks are being added to the volume's containing aggregate.
initializing The volume's containing aggregate is being initialized.
invalid The volume does not contain a valid file system.
ironing A WAFL consistency check is being performed on the volume's containing aggregate.
lang mismatch The language setting of the origin volume was changed since the caching volume was created. (FlexCache volumes only.)
mirror degraded The volume's containing aggregate is mirrored and one of its plexes is offline or resynchronizing.
mirrored The volume's containing aggregate is mirrored.
needs check A WAFL consistency check needs to be performed on the volume's containing aggregate.
out-of-date The volume's containing aggregate is mirrored and needs to be resynchronized.
partial At least one disk was found for the volume's containing aggregate, but two or more disks are missing.
raid0 The volume's containing aggregate consists of RAID0 (no parity) groups (array LUNs only).
raid4 The volume's containing aggregate consists of RAID4 groups.
raid_dp The volume's containing aggregate consists of RAID-DP groups.
reconstruct At least one RAID group in the volume's containing aggregate is being reconstructed.
redirect The volume's containing aggregate is undergoing aggregate reallocation or file reallocation with the -p option. Read performance to volumes in the aggregate might be degraded.
rem vol changed The origin volume was deleted and re-created with the same name. Re-create the FlexCache volume to reenable the FlexCache relationship. (FlexCache volumes only.)
rem vol unavail The origin volume is offline or has been deleted. (FlexCache volumes only.)
remote nvram err The origin system is experiencing problems with its NVRAM. (FlexCache volumes only.)
resyncing One of the plexes of the volume's containing mirrored aggregate is being resynchronized.
snapmirrored The volume is in a SnapMirror relationship with another volume.
trad The volume is a traditional volume.
unrecoverable The volume is a FlexVol volume that has been marked unrecoverable; contact technical support.
unsup remote vol The origin system is running a version of Data ONTAP the does not support FlexCache volumes or is not compatible with the version running on the caching system. (FlexCache volumes only.)
verifying RAID mirror verification is running on the volume's containing aggregate.
wafl inconsistent The volume or its containing aggregate has been marked corrupted; contact technical support .
General Volume Operations (Traditional and FlexVol)

vol status
vol status -v (verbose)

vol status -l (display language)

Remove (destroying) vol offline <vol_name>
vol destroy <vol_name>
Rename vol rename <old_name> <new_name>
online vol online <vol_name>
offline vol offline <vol_name>
restrict vol restrict <vol_name>
decompress vol decompress status
vol decompress start <vol_name>
vol decompress stop <vol_name>

vol mirror volname [-n][-v victim_volname][-f][-d <disk_list>]

Mirrors the currently-unmirrored traditional volume volname, either with the specified set of disks or with the contents of another unmirrored traditional volume victim_volname, which will be destroyed in the process.

The vol mirror command fails if either the chosen volname or victim_volname are flexible volumes. Flexible volumes require that any operations having directly to do with their containing aggregates be handled via the new aggr command suite.

Change language vol lang <vol_name> <language>
Change maximum number of files ## Display maximum number of files
maxfiles <vol_name>

## Change maximum number of files
maxfiles <vol_name> <max_num_files>
Change root volume vol options <vol_name> root
Media Scrub

vol media_scrub status [volname|plexname|groupname -s disk-name][-v]

Note: Prints the media scrubbing status of the named aggregate, volume, plex, or group. If no name is given, then
status is printed for all RAID groups currently running a media scrub. The status includes a
percent-complete and whether it is suspended.

Look at the following system options:

raid.media_scrub.enable on
raid.media_scrub.rate 600
raid.media_scrub.spares.enable on

FlexVol Volume Operations (only)
Adding (creating)

## Syntax
vol create vol_name [-l language_code] [-s {volume|file|none}] <aggr_name> size{k|m|g|t}

## Create a 200MB volume using the english character set
vol create newvol -l en aggr1 200M

## Create 50GB flexvol volume
vol create vol1 aggr0 50g

additional disks ## add an additional disk to aggregate flexvol1, use "aggr status" to get group name
aggr status flexvol1 -r
aggr add flexvol1 -g rg0 -d v5.25
Resizing vol size <vol_name> [+|-] n{k|m|g|t}

## Increase flexvol1 volume by 100MB
vol size flexvol1 + 100m
Automatically resizing vol autosize vol_name [-m size {k|m|g|t}] [-I size {k|m|g|t}] on

## automatically grow by 10MB increaments to max of 500MB
vol autosize flexvol1 -m 500m -I 10m on
Determine free space and Inodes df -Ah
df -I
Determine size vol size <vol_name>
automatic free space preservation

vol options <vol_name> try_first [volume_grow|snap_delete]

If you specify volume_grow, Data ONTAP attempts to increase the volume's size before deleting any Snapshot copies. Data ONTAP increases the volume size based on specifications you provided using the vol autosize command.

If you specify snap_delete, Data ONTAP attempts to create more free space by deleting Snapshot copies, before increasing the size of the volume. Data ONTAP deletes Snapshot copies based on the specifications you provided using the snap autodelete command.

display a FlexVol volume's containing aggregate vol container <vol_name>

vol clone create clone_vol [-s none|file|volume] -b parent_vol [parent_snap]

vol clone split start
vol clone split stop
vol clone split estimate
vol clone split status

Note: The vol clone create command creates a flexible volume named clone_vol on the local filer that is a clone of a "backing" flexible volume named par_ent_vol. A clone is a volume that is a writable snapshot of another volume. Initially, the clone and its parent share the same storage; more storage space is consumed only as one volume or the other changes.


vol copy start [-S|-s snapshot] <vol_source> <vol_destination>
vol copy status

vol copy abort <operation number>
vol copy throttle <operation_number> <throttle value 10-1>

## Example - Copies the nightly snapshot named nightly.1 on volume vol0 on the local filer to the volume vol0 on remote ## filer named toaster1.
vol copy start -s nightly.1 vol0 toaster1:vol0

Note: Copies all data, including snapshots, from one volume to another. If the -S flag is used, the command copies all snapshots in the source volume to the destination volume. To specify a particular snapshot to copy, use the -s flag followed by the name of the snapshot. If neither the -S nor -s flag is used in the command, the filer automatically creates a distinctively-named snapshot at the time the vol copy start command is executed and copies only that snapshot to the destination volume.

The source and destination volumes must either both be traditional volumes or both be flexible volumes. The vol copy command will abort if an attempt is made to copy between different volume types.

The source and destination volumes can be on the same filer or on different filers. If the source or destination volume is on a filer other than the one on which the vol copy start command was entered, specify the volume name in the filer_name:volume_nameformat.

Traditional Volume Operations (only)
adding (creating) vol|aggr create vol_name -v [-l language_code] [-f] [-m] [-n] [-v] [-t {raid4|raid_dp}] [-r raidsize] [-T disk-type] -R rpm] [-L] disk-list

## create traditional volume using aggr command
aggr create tradvol1 -l en -t raid4 -d v5.26 v5.27

## create traditional volume using vol command
vol create tradvol1 -l en -t raid4 -d v5.26 v5.27

## Create traditional volume using 20 disks, each RAID group can have 10 disks
vol create vol1 -r 10 20
additional disks vol add volname[-f][-n][-g <raidgroup>]{ ndisks[@size]|-d <disk_list> }

## add another disk to the already existing traditional volume
vol add tradvol1 -d v5.28
splitting aggr split <volname/plexname> <new_volname>
Scrubing (parity)

## The more new "aggr scrub " command is preferred

vol scrub status [volname|plexname|groupname][-v]

vol scrub start [volname|plexname|groupname][-v]
vol scrub stop [volname|plexname|groupname][-v]

vol scrub suspend [volname|plexname|groupname][-v]
vol scrub resume [volname|plexname|groupname][-v]

Note: Print the status of parity scrubbing on the named traditional volume, plex or RAID group. If no name is provided, the status is given on all RAID groups currently undergoing parity scrubbing. The status includes a percent-complete as well as the scrub’s suspended status (if any).

Verify (mirroring)

## The more new "aggr verify" command is preferred

## verify status
vol verify status

## start a verify operation
vol verify start [ aggrname ]

## stop a verify operation
vol verify stop [ aggrname ]

## suspend a verify operation
vol verify suspend [ aggrname ]

## resume a verify operation
vol verify resume [ aggrname ]

Note: Starts RAID mirror verification on the named online mirrored aggregate. If no name is given, then
RAID mirror verification is started on all online mirrored aggregates. Verification compares the data in
both plexes of a mirrored aggregate. In the default case, all blocks that differ are logged, but no changes
are made.

FlexCache Volumes


FlexCache Consistency
Delegations You can think of a delegation as a contract between the origin system and the caching volume; as long as the caching volume has the delegation, the file has not changed. Delegations are used only in certain situations.

When data from a file is retrieved from the origin volume, the origin system can give a delegation for that file to the caching volume. Before that file is modified on the origin volume, whether due to a request from another caching volume or due to direct client access, the origin system revokes the delegation for that file from all caching volumes that have that delegation.
Attribute cache timeouts When data is retrieved from the origin volume, the file that contains that data is considered valid in the FlexCache volume as long as a delegation exists for that file. If no delegation exists, the file is considered valid for a certain length of time, specified by the attribute cache timeout.

If a client requests data from a file for which there are no delegations, and the attribute cache timeout has been exceeded, the FlexCache volume compares the file attributes of the cached file with the attributes of the file on the origin system.
write operation proxy If a client modifies a file that is cached, that operation is passed back, or proxied through, to the origin system, and the file is ejected from the cache.

When the write is proxied, the attributes of the file on the origin volume are changed. This means that when another client requests data from that file, any other FlexCache volume that has that data cached will re-request the data after the attribute cache timeout is reached.
FlexCache Status Values
access denied The origin system is not allowing FlexCache access. Check the setting of the flexcache.access option on the origin system.
connecting The caching system is trying to connect to the origin system.
lang mismatch The language setting of the origin volume was changed since the FlexCache volume was created.
rem vol changed The origin volume was deleted and re-created with the same name. Re-create the FlexCache volume to reenable the FlexCache relationship.
rem vol unavail The origin volume is offline or has been deleted.
remote nvram err The origin system is experiencing problems with its NVRAM.
unsup remote vol The origin system is running a version of Data ONTAP that either does not support FlexCache volumes or is not compatible with the version running on the caching system.
FlexCache Commands
Display vol status
vol status -v <flexcache_name>

## How to display the options available and what they are set to
vol help options
vol options <flexcache_name>
Display free space df -L
Adding (Create) ## Syntax
vol create <flexcache_name> <aggr> [size{k|m|g|t}] -S origin:source_vol

## Create a FlexCache volume called flexcache1 with autogrow in aggr1 aggregate with the source volume vol1
## on storage netapp1 server
vol create flexcache1 aggr1 -S netapp1:vol1
Removing (destroy) vol offline < flexcache_name>
vol destroy <flexcache_name>
Automatically resizing vol options <flexcache_name> flexcache_autogrow [on|off]
Eject file from cache flexcache eject <path> [-f]
Statistics ## Client stats
flexcache stats -C <flexcache_name>

## Server stats
flexcache stats -S <volume_name> -c <client>

## File stats
flexcache fstat <path>

FlexClone Volumes

FlexClone Commands
Display vol status
vol status <flexclone_name> -v

df -Lh
adding (create) ## Syntax
vol clone create clone_name [-s {volume|file|none}] -b parent_name [parent_snap]

## create a flexclone called flexclone1 from the parent flexvol1
vol clone create flexclone1 -b flexvol1
Removing (destroy) vol offline <flexclone_name>
vol destroy <flexclone_name>
splitting ## Determine the free space required to perform the split
vol clone split estimate <flexclone_name>

## Double check you have the space
df -Ah

## Perform the split
vol clone split start <flexclone_name>

## Check up on its status
vol colne split status <flexclone_name>

## Stop the split
vol clone split stop <flexclone_name>
log file /etc/log/clone

The clone log file records the following information:
• Cloning operation ID
• The name of the volume in which the cloning operation was performed
• Start time of the cloning operation
• End time of the cloning operation
• Parent file/LUN and clone file/LUN names
• Parent file/LUN ID
• Status of the clone operation: successful, unsuccessful, or stopped and some other details
Категория: Об ОС *Nix | Добавил: admin (12.10.2015)
Просмотров: 2111 | Комментарии: 119 | Теги: NetApp, commands, console, config | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всего комментариев: 1
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