Ubuntu Linux: How do I install .deb packages? by Vivek Gite · 23 comments Q. I am a new Ubuntu Linux use. I need to install a package called package.deb. I know I can use Synaptic package management to install packages from CD or Internet. But I want to install this special .deb file. So how can I install package? A. You need to use dpkg package manager from shell/command prompt. dpkg is a tool to install, build, remove and manage packages. dpkg itself is controlled entirely via command line parameters. For example -i use to install .deb file. How do I install .deb file? To install package called package.deb type the following command: Go to directory where package.deb is kept. For example if it is in /tmp directory: $ cd /tmp Type the following command: $ sudo dpkg -i package.deb
Источник: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-how-do-i-install-deb-packages/ |