Hello AskPerf Blog Readers! This morning’s post is going to be more of a reference point for all those WMI junkies out there. Have you ever wanted to test WMI using the command line (outside of VBSCRIPT)? If so, then WMIC is the tool for you. In its simplest form, WMIC is a utility that allows you to interact with WMI from a WMI-aware command-line shell. All WMI objects and their properties, including their methods, are accessible through the shell, which makes WMIC an advanced systems management console.
This blog will assume that you already have a grasp of WMI and are looking for more WMI testing options via the Command Line. With that said, the following is a list of WMIC queries that you can run on your Workstations/Servers.
To execute these queries, run “WMIC” at a command prompt, followed by one of the following alias/es:
baseboard |
get Manufacturer, Model, Name, PartNumber, slotlayout, serialnumber, poweredon |
bios |
get name, version, serialnumber |
bootconfig |
get BootDirectory, Caption, TempDirectory, Lastdrive |
cdrom |
get Name, Drive, Volumename |
computersystem |
get Name, domain, Manufacturer, Model, NumberofProcessors, PrimaryOwnerName,Username, Roles, totalphysicalmemory /format:list |
cpu |
get Name, Caption, MaxClockSpeed, DeviceID, status |
datafile |
where name='c:\\boot.ini' get Archive, FileSize, FileType, InstallDate, Readable, Writeable, System, Version |
dcomapp |
get Name, AppID /format:list |
desktop |
get Name, ScreenSaverExecutable, ScreenSaverActive, Wallpaper /format:list |
desktopmonitor |
get screenheight, screenwidth |
diskdrive |
get Name, Manufacturer, Model, InterfaceType, MediaLoaded, MediaType |
diskquota |
get User, Warninglimit, DiskSpaceUsed, QuotaVolume |
environment |
get Description, VariableValue |
fsdir |
where name='c:\\windows' get Archive, CreationDate, LastModified, Readable, Writeable, System, Hidden, Status |
group |
get Caption, InstallDate, LocalAccount, Domain, SID, Status |
idecontroller |
get Name, Manufacturer, DeviceID, Status |
irq |
get Name, Status |
job |
get Name, Owner, DaysOfMonth, DaysOfWeek, ElapsedTime, JobStatus, StartTime, Status |
loadorder |
get Name, DriverEnabled, GroupOrder, Status |
logicaldisk |
get Name, Compressed, Description, DriveType, FileSystem, FreeSpace, SupportsDiskQuotas, VolumeDirty, VolumeName |
memcache |
get Name, BlockSize, Purpose, MaxCacheSize, Status |
memlogical |
get AvailableVirtualMemory, TotalPageFileSpace, TotalPhysicalMemory, TotalVirtualMemory |
memphysical |
get Manufacturer, Model, SerialNumber, MaxCapacity, MemoryDevices |
netclient |
get Caption, Name, Manufacturer, Status |
netlogin |
get Name, Fullname, ScriptPath, Profile, UserID, NumberOfLogons, PasswordAge, LogonServer, HomeDirectory, PrimaryGroupID |
netprotocol |
get Caption, Description, GuaranteesSequencing, SupportsBroadcasting, SupportsEncryption, Status |
netuse |
get Caption, DisplayType, LocalName, Name, ProviderName, Status |
nic |
get AdapterType, AutoSense, Name, Installed, MACAddress, PNPDeviceID,PowerManagementSupported, Speed, StatusInfo |
nicconfig |
get MACAddress, DefaultIPGateway, IPAddress, IPSubnet, DNSHostName, DNSDomain |
nicconfig |
get MACAddress, IPAddress, DHCPEnabled, DHCPLeaseExpires, DHCPLeaseObtained, DHCPServer |
nicconfig |
get MACAddress, IPAddress, DNSHostName, DNSDomain, DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder, DNSEnabledForWINSResolution, DNSServerSearchOrder |
nicconfig |
get MACAddress, IPAddress, WINSPrimaryServer, WINSSecondaryServer, WINSEnableLMHostsLookup, WINSHostLookupFile |
ntdomain |
get Caption, ClientSiteName, DomainControllerAddress, DomainControllerName, Roles, Status |
ntevent |
where (LogFile='system' and SourceName='W32Time') get Message, TimeGenerated |
ntevent |
where (LogFile='system' and SourceName='W32Time' and Message like '%timesource%') get Message, TimeGenerated |
ntevent |
where (LogFile='system' and SourceName='W32Time' and EventCode!='29') get TimeGenerated, EventCode, Message |
onboarddevice |
get Description, DeviceType, Enabled, Status |
os |
get Version, Caption, CountryCode, CSName, Description, InstallDate, SerialNumber, ServicePackMajorVersion, WindowsDirectory /format:list |
os |
get CurrentTimeZone, FreePhysicalMemory, FreeVirtualMemory, LastBootUpTime, NumberofProcesses, NumberofUsers, Organization, RegisteredUser, Status |
pagefile |
get Caption, CurrentUsage, Status, TempPageFile |
pagefileset |
get Name, InitialSize, MaximumSize |
partition |
get Caption, Size, PrimaryPartition, Status, Type |
printer |
get DeviceID, DriverName, Hidden, Name, PortName, PowerManagementSupported, PrintJobDataType, VerticalResolution, Horizontalresolution |
printjob |
get Description, Document, ElapsedTime, HostPrintQueue, JobID, JobStatus, Name, Notify, Owner, TimeSubmitted, TotalPages |
process |
get Caption, CommandLine, Handle, HandleCount, PageFaults, PageFileUsage, PArentProcessId, ProcessId, ThreadCount |
product |
get Description, InstallDate, Name, Vendor, Version |
qfe |
get description, FixComments, HotFixID, InstalledBy, InstalledOn, ServicePackInEffect |
quotasetting |
get Caption, DefaultLimit, Description, DefaultWarningLimit, SettingID, State |
recoveros |
get AutoReboot, DebugFilePath, WriteDebugInfo, WriteToSystemLog |
Registry |
get CurrentSize, MaximumSize, ProposedSize, Status |
scsicontroller |
get Caption, DeviceID, Manufacturer, PNPDeviceID |
server |
get ErrorsAccessPermissions, ErrorsGrantedAccess, ErrorsLogon, ErrorsSystem, FilesOpen, FileDirectorySearches |
service |
get Name, Caption, State, ServiceType, StartMode, pathname |
share |
get name, path, status |
sounddev |
get Caption, DeviceID, PNPDeviceID, Manufacturer, status |
startup |
get Caption, Location, Command |
sysaccount |
get Caption, Domain, Name, SID, SIDType, Status |
sysdriver |
get Caption, Name, PathName, ServiceType, State, Status |
systemenclosure |
get Caption, Height, Depth, Manufacturer, Model, SMBIOSAssetTag, AudibleAlarm, SecurityStatus, SecurityBreach, PoweredOn, NumberOfPowerCords |
systemslot |
get Number, SlotDesignation, Status, SupportsHotPlug, Version, CurrentUsage, ConnectorPinout |
tapedrive |
get Name, Capabilities, Compression, Description, MediaType, NeedsCleaning, Status, StatusInfo |
timezone |
get Caption, Bias, DaylightBias, DaylightName, StandardName |
useraccount |
get AccountType, Description, Domain, Disabled, LocalAccount, Lockout, PasswordChangeable, PasswordExpires, PasswordRequired, SID |
*UPDATE* 12/13/2012
memorychip |
get BankLabel, Capacity, Caption, CreationClassName, DataWidth, Description, Devicelocator, FormFactor, HotSwappable, InstallDate, InterleaveDataDepth, InterleavePosition, Manufacturer, MemoryType, Model, Name, OtherIdentifyingInfo, PartNumber, PositionInRow, PoweredOn, Removable, Replaceable, SerialNumber, SKU, Speed, Status, Tag, TotalWidth, TypeDetail, Version |
In troubleshooting WMI issues here on the Performance team, I often run the following commands to test WMI locally and remotely:
Additional Resources
-Blake Morrison